In such modes do they wander about and receive alms, each wearing as a distinction a garland of beads made of tulasi Ocimum sanctum wood.
Beyond prohibiting widow remarriage, they have no social restrictions. Concerning the mendicants of Anantapur, Mr. The profession is almost hereditary in some families.
Of these, the iron lamp is at once the most conspicuous and the most indispensable. Every Saturday, after bathing and praying for some hours, he must cook his own food in a clean pot.
They go about the streets singing some Hari Keerthanams, with a gong and conch to relieve the dull monotony of their mumblings. The word is applied to Vaishnava mendicants. They go out every morning, begging for alms of uncooked rice, and singing ballads or hymns. They play on a small drum with their fingers, and often carry a conch shell, which they blow.
They are given to drinking. They usually practise what is known as scissor-theft. Dakkal, Dokkalwar Dandasi Dhor Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu Ghasi, Haddi, Relli, Chachandi Godagali, Godagula in the districts of Srikakulam,Vizianagaram and Vishakhapatanam Godari Gosangi Holeya Holeya Dasari Jaggali Jambuvulu Kolupulvandlu, Pambada, Pambanda, Pambala Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva Madiga Madiga Dasu, Mashteen Mahar Mala, Mala Ayawaru Mala Dasari Mala Dasu Mala Hannai Malajangam Mala Masti Mala Sale, Netkani Mala Sanyasi Mang Mang Garodi Manne According to our sources most of the film fraternity cooperated with the enumerators and shared details sought.
We have updated our Privacy and Cookie Policy. If you continue to use our site, you agree to the updated Policies. Entertainment , Tollywood. Updated Mar 31, , am IST. Dasari said 'Not important' when asked about his caste in the survey form. Tollywood Director Dasari Narayana Rao. Tags: telangana , tollywood , entertainment , dasari narayana rao.