How can i beat cynthia in pokemon platinum

User Info: starknight Just go on wifi trade and ask for a lvl 99 pokemon any i got infernape off someone called JJ. Make sure u have plenty of pp you will need it User Info: TerrifyedTorres. Your torterra can do the job if the pokemon is really tough just teach it eathquake giga drain synthesis and energy ball. Higher levels are needed. Her pokemon are milotic, togekiss, lucario, garchomp, spiritomb, and roserade. To fight milotic try trading your electabuzz to a friend then trading back and you have an electivire, but make sure an electirizer is given to electabuzz before you trade.

When you fight togekiss you must evolve your luxio into luxray, this was its stats will increase and it will become stronger. Garchomp is easy is you have it fight against its weakness, ice. Spiritomb cant resist against anything so um just fight off spiritomb good luck with that. Roserade is weak against a fire type, and has low defence Your team needs one water type, one fire type, one grass type, one electric typem, one flying type, and one any type.

Teach your team a wide variety of moves. User Info: shadowforce I suggest you level up your pokemon. I remember I beaten garchomp using giratina's dragon claw and then some of staraptor's brave bird User Info: Swamtwo. In pokemon platinum the elite 4 is a bit tougher.

A good match up for lucario is another fighting ,ground ,fire. Finally, her Milotic will go down to strong Grass or Electric-type moves, but try to use Physical moves if you can as its high Special Defense can catch most of these Pokemon off guard. While the Expert Belt is especially helpful, nearly any Held Item can turn the tide of a battle in the blink of an eye. Whether you want HP-restoring items like Leftovers, or stat-boosting items like Quick Claw depends on your battle strategy.

All the members of the Elite Four and Pokemon Champion Cynthia have their last Pokemon hold a Sitrus berry, and if you have many of them it can be a great tool for yourself as well. The large boost of health will often catch them off-guard, and give you at least another turn to hit them before you faint.

Healing items are going to help during this run. More than anything else, Full Restores are worth the high price tag. When your Pokemon are low in health and afflicted with a status condition, you can give them one of these for them to be fully cured.

It also saves you from worrying about the number of Antidotes, Berries or Burn Heals you have in your pockets. You might not have had much experience with in-battle effect items before. There's a range of items you can equip and use to give your Pokemon the edge. HP-restoring berries like Oran and Sitrus can make the difference between a win and a loss. Furthermore, stat-boosting items like X-Attack and X-Defense can give your Pokemon the edge it needs to beat a particularly tough opponent. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.

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Technical How-Tos. Horror Games. Sports Games. Fighting Games. Classic Games. Puzzle Games. Welcome to LevelSkip. Items You'll Need Before you head into battle against the elite four and Cynthia, make sure that you bring along a lot of useful items.

Use this item when your Pokemon are poisoned, paralyzed, etc.


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