A string is immutable in Java, while a character array is mutable. This means that we cannot change the contents of a string object once it is created. Any operation that results in the modification of data will result in a new String. Note that since string is immutable, the String concatenation operator will produce a new String. All string literals are stored in the string constant pool. They remain in the pool until they became eligible for the garbage collection, while a Character array is stored in heap memory.
A Character array should be preferred over a string for storing passwords in Java. On the other hand, a Character array is mutable and can be cleared immediately after use before the garbage collection kicks in. We cannot iterate over the characters of a string using an enhanced for-loop. Technically, the array is a sequential collection of similar variables that share a common name. Read the array in detail. The above is an example of a character array.
Just like characters, you can also use arrays to store numeric values. The declaration of the string is similar to the array but with an exception of char type.
The string is considered as a contiguous sequence of values with a common name. Array and string are very important data structures. There are many coding interview questions asked based on these two data structures. Array and strings are used differently in different programming languages. But this is not true in Java. Boundary Array boundaries are easily overrun. Boundaries will not overrun. Access Fast accessing.
Slow accessing. A Character array is a sequence of the characters that are stored in consecutive memory addresses. In a character array, a particular character can be accessed by its index. I had shown two ways to initialize the character array. In the first method, the null is explicitly mentioned and in the second method, the compiler automatically inserts the null.
The end of the string is always a null character; it is the terminating character of the character array. A character array is not a built-in data type; we create character array by declaring it. You can not apply standard operators on a character array.
There character arrays and character strings are entirely different types, with different operations available for them. String is a class in java. So it has attributes e. So when you ask for the size of string it simply returns that instead of computing the value each time. It also other methods e.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. What is the difference between a Character Array and a String? Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 9 months ago. Active 1 year, 11 months ago. Viewed 71k times. Improve this question. Kolmogorov 1 1 silver badge 8 8 bronze badges.
Todd Moses Todd Moses Based on Jus12 - That could be a good answer: a string is a language specific implementation of a char based data structure. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Draemon Draemon Haskell is an example of a language where the native string implementation is based on a linked list of characters.
My main problem with this answer, is that there are languages where that isn't true.