Browse the pound until you find a pet you would like to adopt, or enter the name of an adoptable pet in the search above the area where pets are displayed. Select the pet that you would like to adopt and click on 'Adopt' at the bottom of the page.
A popup appears on your screen to confirm the adoption. Click on 'Ok' to adopt the pet. You can use our simple Cost Calculator below to quickly find out how much it will cost. Make sure you have enough Neopoints on hand! Restrictions: If your account is under 4 months old, you won't be able to adopt limited edition and restricted pets. As you may have guessed, the adoption center of the Neopian Pound would not be exist if Neopians couldn't abandon their pets.
If you decide to abandon your pet , it will be placed in the adoption center until a new owner adopts it. If you wish to disown your Neopets, all you have to do is to click on the button below your pet a few times until it says 'Sure?!? After clicking on it, your pet will be sent to the Adoption Center and can be adopted by anybody on Neopets.
Before disowning your pet, have a look at our comparative table that explains in a clear way what the differences are between the abandon and the transfer features of the pound. You could lose your pet forever if you perform the wrong action. Restrictions: You can only abandon one pet per day and it will cost you Neopoints to perform this action.
The transfer option of the Pound is a brand new feature that allows you to move your pet safely from your Neopets account to another of your choice. The unique feature of the transfer is that you are assured that the pet will reach his new home with all his Paint Brush coloring and regular clothing items, in addition to his Petpet. Transferred pets must be accepted on the account you send them to. So, if this is true, how many other pets have you come across owned by this account?
Every pet that was put into the pound during the year it was down is on that Neopets-owned account ;P A few have been released, but not many compared to the tons still to go. No one knows exactly how many pets are on the account, just that there are A LOT. I believe an editorial said millions? There's still tons of pets in there, and it does not genereat RW named pets- any pet in there, regardless of name, was all ready created and abandoned while the pound was down and is yet to be relased into it.
That's interesting. I know I heard about 'lost' pets being stuck in the pound, but I didn't know about this. And I agree, Superman and Emma are really awesome names. I would really like to snag one of the other lost pets with awesome names I wish I had the patience to wait for the pets, but I have such terrible luck with that.
You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Paste as plain text instead. On April 28th , the Pound closed down to perform some maintenance due to the recent conversion for customisation. It didn't reopen again until a full year later, on April 29th During the time in between, pets could be abandoned, but not adopted or transferred.
Because of this, a large backlog of pets waiting to enter the pound built up. According to TNT , this backlog consisted of millions of pets. In order to avoid a debilitating strain on the servers by adding these pets to the pound all at once, TNT decided to add them slowly over time.
The account is frozen to prevent users from easily seeing all the pets, some of which are unconverted or have highly desirable names. Pets were released quasi-alphabetically: a handful of two character prefixes would be randomly selected, and a small number of pets would be released alphabetically within them. Numbers are sorted before letters, and letters are sorted before underscores.
It is unknown whether this change was intentional. In December , TNT stated they would look into reactivating it while updating the Pound for the mobile-friendly site conversion. Many users track and share lists publicly on pet pages. Send Feedback Let us know what you're looking for so we can plan updates or point you in the right direction. Homepage Site Prefs F. Click here! You may currently have 6 Neopets per account. Premium users may have 7 Neopets per account.
Adopting Transferring Abandoning. This guide is about the mechanics of the Neopian Pound! Additional Pet Transfers. Age At Or Over Lutaris cannot be transferred! They do not disappear as they do if you try to abandon them , but instead just refuse to budge off your account.
Death Visit the abandon page in the Neopian Pound. Released: September 12, Did you find what you were looking for on this page? Yes: No:. Glad you found what you needed. Your Email: What were you looking for on this guide? Human Proof: What species of Neopet is this? This page was last updated on July 31, All rights reserved. No content is allowed to be used on another website. Neopian Pound You may currently have 6 Neopets per account.
A pet slot was last added on November 19, Write your answer Related questions. Where is the pound in Neopets? On Neopets how do you get a jetsam? Where is the Neopets pound? How do you get to the pound on Neopets? Where is the orphanage on Neopets? Who has an account on neopets for a blue kacheek that they would give to you? How much Neopets are you allowed to get? In Neopets how do you unequip your pet? Will there ever be any new neopets on Neopets? How many Neopets can you have?
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