There are recipes out there for elderflower wine and elderflower liqueur drizzle over fruit salads. You can also make elderflower tea from an infusion of the fresh flowers. Add a couple of sprigs of elderflower when cooking fruit for tarts and crumbles removing them at the end for a delicate summery flavour. Or, stir a few flowers into cake and muffin mixtures to give them a light, sweet scent. Elderflowers can even be fried in a light batter until crisp try our elderflower fritters recipes below.
We have single trees and tree packs to meet your needs, from wildlife to woodfuel. Delivery is free. Feared by the devil. Favoured by foragers. It was said that an elder planted by your house would keep the devil away. See what's in season with our guide to sustainable foraging with top tips on how to pick, cook and eat wild plants. Our favourite foraging recipes using wild harvested plants from the British countryside.
Gather wild food without harming woods or wildlife. Follow our guidelines. How to identify elderflower and what to do with it. Common names s : elder, boortree, boontree, borewood, dog tree Scientific name: Sambucus nigra Height: up to 10m Distribution: abundant throughout the UK, in woods and along roadsides and hedgerows Flowering period: late May and June.
How to identify elder Elderflowers come from the elder tree Sambucus nigra that generally grows as a shrub or small tree. Overall appearance. Bark and stem. How to use elderflowers The flowers and berries are the only edible part of the plant. Elderflower cordial and other infusions Try our elderflower cordial without citric acid. I share more on Elderflowers, including how and when to pick the best Elderflowers and a recipe for Elderflower cordial and sorbet in my blog.
Elderflower cordial is a great way to […]. You can also find tips on when to avoid elderflowers. Elderflowers have been used in medicine for thousands of years and are thought to have antibacterial, antiseptic […]. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Love foraging? Get exclusive access to my most treasured wild food recipes and the hottest tips on foraging every month.
Receive regular updates on news, recipes and events. First Name:. Email address:. Privacy policy. Search for:. Pretty aren't they! Here are just 3 points to help you get the best Elder flowers, oh, and a 4th point for luck. When to Pick Elder Flowers I'm sorry, I can't give you an exact date, though I can teach you what to look for and the skills that foragers use in harvesting. Smell If they smell of cat pee, be disciplined and walk away. Colour Back to the flowers of the Elder Tree, these are at their best when they are full of scented, pale yellow dust.
Shape If the flowers are only unopened buds - you're in luck! Sun Of course you know this, you know to pick when the weather is dry, the sun is out and the scent of the elder flowers will be at their prime. The edibility of elderflowers Now you know when and how to pick your perfect elder flower heads for making cordial it would be easy to assume that elderflowers are edible, right? Elderflower Cordial Elder flower cordial recipes vary, a lot. Pink Elderflower and Rose Cordial.
Where next? Look for areas where you can find food in abundance and then only collect a small amount for personal use. Never completely strip an area as this could damage the species and deny another forager the chance to collect. Many animals rely on plants for survival, so never take more than you plan to eat as this could also deny wildlife from a valuable food source.
Be mindful about wildlife habitats and avoid disturbing or damaging. Check the law before you forage or if in doubt, why not take part in a foraging class with an expert and learn the basics. Elder trees are incredibly common across the UK. They are small hedgerow trees with corky bark that is deeply fissured as it gets older. The leaves comprise oval leaflets with festery edges. The creamy flowers festoon the trees in June and the smell is particularly strong on warmer days. Take a pair of sharp scissors and remove flower heads just below where all the small stems meet the main stem — you want as little of the green stem in your recipes as possible.
Gather only a few flowerheads from each tree so as to allow as many as possible to develop into berries — a crucial late summer food source for birds, mammals and insects. An old carrier bag is the best way to carry your haul. Nothing says summer like a fizzy glass of elderflower cordial also delicious added to a gin and tonic!
Here are three easy recipes to make using elderflowers — do you have any to add? The floral taste of this traditional syrup is great with water, but also complements pastries, cakes, ice-cream and champagne or prosecco. Enjoy a fresh and fragrant drink with this easy and delicious elderflower cordial recipe — the perfect summer drink.
Elderflower gin has a subtle flowery flavour, soft, sweet and refreshing. Learn a new way of using the elder tree to make something delicious with this elder shortbread recipe , by horticulturist David Hamilton, on the BBC Wildlife Magazine website.
This delicious and refreshing sorbet goes well with lightly poached gooseberries, hot apple pie or summer berries, but is perfect on its own as a refreshing end to a summer barbecue. Carys is the Group Digital Editor of countryfile.