Register Don't have an account? Edit this page. History Talk Access into the Arcatraz is obtained through one of these methods: Using a key: This requires completing a quest chain that includes completion of both the Mechanar and the Botanica , and begins with a long quest chain called Consortium Crystal Collection from Nether-Stalker Khay'ji in Area Lockpicking by a Rogue with a lockpicking skill of at least A Blacksmith can use a Cobalt Skeleton Key to unlock the door.
A Titanium Skeleton Key will also work. An Engineer can use a Elemental Seaforium Charge to blast open the door. Mages can also stand outside the locked doorway and use their Blink spell to "jump" through the locked doorway without the need for the key. NOTE: This may have been fixed in a recent patch. Mage can no longer blink through the door. The Arcatraz is probably one of the only areas in the game with man'ari eredar trash mobs. Categories Instances Arcatraz Netherstorm.
Universal Conquest Wiki. Hate ads? Butcher's Stand. Stasis Block: Trion Zereketh the Unbound. Immune to taunt, and occasionally resets aggro. Can be freeze trapped by a hunter. If the Death Watcher is still alive when the debuff wears off then everyone that had it takes - shadow damage. The Death Watcher can also cast Drain Life on someone to restore 5k health.
Drain Life is considered a magic effect and is dispellable from the tank. Unholy Aura : An aura dealing shadow damage up to 40 yards. Also, because of some of the mob's and boss's abilities, a paladin tank would be preferable for the ranged taunt. Everyone in the group should have great gear, and over hp buffed. Fire resist gear is an asset. Mobs of note: - Protien Nightmare: They do heavy physical dammage and spawn adds that give an armor reducing buff.
If any of the adds are on the tank, they need to die asap or the tank will be taking too much dammage to heal. Paladins can bubble out of the de-buff. Very easy with a Paladin tank, as they can taunt as soon as it de-agros without chasing after it. Also, the one act of mercy blizzard showed players in this instance is that in heroic, there is no double Arcatraz Sentinal pull. So you've cleared through the instance, feeling prety good about yourselves, and you're ready to start the last room.
The degree of dificulty between the rest of the instance and the last room is stagering. Have the whole group stand directly behind the tank and they should avoid the imolation aura but be close enough to share the dammage from meteor. If you have hunters they need to watch for the meteor cast and run in close enough to take meteor with everyone else. There are 2 of these. The Final Boss sequence. The three random bosses are all takes on various mobs and bosses from WoW.
He blinks behind his target and dumps a small amount of agro when he does so. Once again ranged taunt was very useful here when he lost agro on the tank will probably happen several times.
Alternatly have everyone stand near the tank, as he does no AoE dammage. We did it fairly easily without a de-curse, simply healed through. Several of the powers can be dispelled magic and none of them seemed to be a problem. King Face Melter: Mind Flays for dammage over 4 seconds, stuning the person who is flayed.
You probably don't need a tank here, as he simply spams Mind Flay, fear and charm, meleeing only very briefly for small dammage. To quickly identify and kill the copy, start the fight with a raid icon on the boss, when he splits kill the one without the icon first. It helps to make a macro to target him, or put a raid symbol on him when he spawns.
Comment by How long would it take to pass this in Normal mode? Comment by for a full run about how much rep per run does this intance give?
Comment by rlyeh Harbinger Skyriss: "Is this a snake or a real danger? I'm not sure, I better Mind Flay it anyway!! I'd much rather see a snake get the mind-flay than my teammates.
Watching the boss flaying snakes is also kinda fun. Take that you stupid A. Comment by Poddin has any engineer tried blasting open the door with seaforium? I am gonna use it. Hey, why is that Rogue not MC'd anymore? Skyriss is a rough fight, but there are things it does that are funny. Tanking him next to a corner allows the Healer to be out of LoS and avoid the charge. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.
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Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. The only achievements you can get in this dungeon are the ones for completing. There are no achievements awards for individual boss encounters for making him to do something.
The main anagonist race in this dungeon are Blood Elves The instance was released in the Burning Crusade expansion. The dungeon contains 4 bosses. The end boss of The Arcatraz is Harbinger Skyriss. The location and entrance for The Arcatraz is the highest off the ground dungeon in the Tempest Keep area, it is noticible for its red underside.