To save themselves, the Judeans tie up Samson to deliver him to the enemy. But this episode does not end well for the Philistines:. The Philistines came shouting to meet [Samson]; and the spirit of the Lord rushed on him, and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands. Then he found a fresh jaw-bone of a donkey, reached down and took it, and with it he killed a thousand men.
Judges In spite of his continued directive from God to fight the Philistines, Samson pursues a much more personal connection with them. Three times she begs to know the secret of his strength, and three times he lies to her. Sure enough, Delilah takes advantage of this new information, lulling Samson to sleep and shaving off his hair. Delilah hands Samson over to the Philistines, who gouge out his eyes, and force him to grind at a mill in prison.
The Philistines bring Samson down to Gaza and bind him to two pillars in their temple as a display for the amusement of the Philistine worshipers. Here Samson prays to God, asking for his strength to return to him one more time Judges He was endowed with the Spirit of Yahweh--the spirit of personal patriotism, the spirit of vengeance upon a foe of 40 years' standing Judges ,25 ; ; He also prayed, and Yahweh answered him, though in judgment Judges But he was prodigal of his strength.
Samson had spiritual power and performed feats which an ordinary man would hardly perform. But he was unconscious of his high vocation. In a moment of weakness he yielded to Delilah and divulged the secret of his strength. He was careless of his personal endowment. He did not realize that physical endowments no less than spiritual are gifts from God, and that to retain them we must be obedient.
He was passionate and therefore weak. The animal of his nature was never curbed, but rather ran unchained and free. He was given to sudden fury. Samson was a wild, self-willed man. Passion ruled. He could not resist the blandishments of women. In short, he was an overgrown schoolboy, without self-mastery. He accordingly wrought no permanent deliverance for Israel; he lacked the spirit of cooperation.
He undertook a task far too great for even a giant single-handed. Yet, it must be allowed that Samson paved the way for Saul and David. He began the deliverance of Israel from the Philistines. He must, therefore, be judged according to his times. In his days there was unrestrained individual independence on every side, each one doing as he pleased. Samson differed from his contemporaries in that he was a hero of faith Hebrews He was a Nazirite, and therefore dedicated to God.
He was given to revenge, yet he was ready to sacrifice himself in order that his own and his people's enemies might be overthrown. He was willing to lay down his own life for the sake of his fellow-tribesmen--not to save his enemies, however, but to kill them.
Compare Matthew ; Romans Who Were Samson and Delilah? What Happened to Samson and Delilah? Here are three particular lessons we can all start following today: Watch out for arrogance. Share Tweet Save. Judges He went in to spend the night with her. Then he got up and took hold of the doors of the city gate, together with the two posts, and tore them loose, bar and all.
He lifted them to his shoulders and carried them to the top of the hill that faces Hebron. Each one of us will give you eleven hundred shekels of silver. So the secret of his strength was not discovered. Come now, tell me how you can be tied. Tell me how you can be tied. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other man. And his strength left him. Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding grain in the prison.
Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. They brought him back and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb of Manoah his father. He had led Israel twenty years. Commentaries for Judges He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines. He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from the womb until the day of his death.
I beg you to let the man of God you sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born. The man who appeared to me the other day! She must do everything I have commanded her. But if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the LORD. It is beyond understanding. Seeing this, Manoah and his wife fell with their faces to the ground. Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife? As they approached the vineyards of Timnah, suddenly a young lion came roaring toward him.
And I delivered you from the hand of all your oppressors; I drove them out before you and gave you their land. Am I not sending you? What have you done to us? We will not kill you. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands.
Then he went down and stayed in a cave in the rock of Etam. Take her instead. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, 5 lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines.
He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves. And there Samson held a feast, as was customary for young men. Did you invite us here to steal our property?
So on the seventh day he finally told her, because she continued to press him. She in turn explained the riddle to her people. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge AN on the Philistines for my two eyes. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. He had led [ d ] AP Israel twenty years.
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