Call on Archangel Ariel whenever you are in need of a boost of strong positive energy. This Archangel is tasked with the role of peacemaker for those on Earth and in Heaven.
Archangel Raguel has the unique position of maintaining balance and harmony while managing the real time facilitation of events related to our soul contracts. For every action, there is a reaction which affects the paths of our lives. Appearing in energetic form as illuminated medium brown energy interspersed with gold hues these colors represent the warm and friendly energies of the Earth chakra located below the feet and the higher heavenly energy chakras located above the head , Archangel Raguel reminds us that we are here to help one another on our journeys through life.
This Archangel also coordinates with all of the other Archangels to ensure the synchronicity of their collective services to humanity and the natural world. In human form, Raquel appears with wings in flowing white robes and a large book in hand.
The book represents the Akashic records stored within the Hall of Records, which contain all of the information about what was, is, and will be for each being in existence. This Archangel appears in animal form as the mouse, groundhog, opossum, skunk, and raccoon, all of which reside out of site from humans. The energy of the mouse is quiet productivity of the multitudes, while the groundhog digs deeper for answers and represents the world of dreams, the opossum represents family nurturing, and the skunk and raccoon represent the cleanup crew.
Bees and ants are also symbolic of this Archangel, as they represent working together in harmony, with each member of the hive or hill following through with important tasks down to the last detail.
When faced with situations that seem out of sync, call on Archangel Raguel to restore order and balance through peaceful means. You can also appeal to Archangel Raguel for changes to your soul contracts, help with teamwork or group situations, assistance with creating a harmonious environment in your home and at your place of work, and the opportunity to explore the Hall of Records through meditation and visions.
As the gatekeeper of divine information, Archangel Raziel governs the veil between the worlds of Heaven and Earth, the subconscious, dreams, and the gifts of mediumship, also known as spirit-to-spirit communication or spirit communication.
This Archangel appears to me in energetic form as brilliant white energy interspersed with radiant rainbows of color these colors represent the energy of Heaven, as well as all of the combined energy centers of the soul. In human form, Archangel Raziel emanates incredible white light while holding aloft a blazing ring in the shape of a figure eight also referred to as an infinity ring representing the infinite existence of our souls.
Call on this Archangel when you are searching for answers about the mysteries and inner workings of the universe, when you need help with the interpretation of dreams, and when you need assistance or are ready to work with the higher energies of Heaven through spirit communication.
In animal form, Archangel Raziel appears as birds with white feathers, which represents the beauty and purity of the unconditional love from which we were created. Additionally, this Archangel symbolically appears in the form of fish, representing the fluidity of divine communications, situations of divine emotional importance, and the surreal world of dreams.
Music in Heaven and on Earth, as well as the sending and receiving of prayers, are the specialties of this Archangel. Appearing as light beige energy swirled with pink and light green these colors represent the warm and friendly energies of the Earth chakra located below the feet and the heart chakra , Archangel Sandalphon nurtures our souls with music and is responsible for auditory communications between Heaven and Earth, including prayers and clairaudient extrasensory hearing spirit communications.
In human form, Archangel Sandalphon appears with wings in robes of white and carrying a glowing golden harp. In animal form, this Archangel symbolically appears as frogs, crickets, cicadas, birds, and other animals and insects that sing and make unique melodic sounds. You can call on Archangel Sandalphon when you need assistance with the creation of music, greater clarity and understanding with communication, sleep and relaxation issues, anxiety, meditation, and the swift delivery of prayers through this special advocate.
Archangel Sandalphon calms the soul, encourages smooth communications spoken from the heart of the spirit, and dutifully keeps track of all of the prayers you send to Heaven with an emphasis on those in need of special attention.
Working in tandem with the Akashic Records of all that was, is, and will be for your soul, Archangel Sandalphon reviews your life path when prayers are received to determine the most beneficial ways to answer them. This Archangel loves to boost your confidence and morale. Archangel Barachiel helps you to maintain a positive outlook and has been given the task of facilitating miracles on Earth.
Appearing in energetic form as pink, red, white, and silver energies these colors are associated with the heart chakra and the energy of Heaven, as well as the higher heavenly energy chakras well above the head , Archangel Barachiel opens your mind, body, and spirit to the pure loving energies of Heaven.
In human form, this Archangel appears with wings wearing flowing white and pink robes and holding a glowing white orb cupped between two hands. Ladybugs, dragonflies, hummingbirds, and butterflies are all favorite representations of Archangel Barachiel in animal form as they are bright, happy reminders of Heaven. Call on Archangel Barachiel when you are in need of miracles in your life, help with maintaining a positive outlook, assistance with a boost to your morale, and help letting go of circumstances from the past which have been dragging you down.
The Archangels listed above represent the most called upon angels in Heaven. There are many more Archangels, as well as orders of angels, in existence. All of them have specific jobs and areas of expertise to help with the inner workings of the universe. As for the ones listed in this article, they hope you call on them any time you are in need of assistance.
They would love to hear from you, as well as help you navigate your life path in a way that brings you the most love, satisfaction, and beneficial outcomes.
With Love and Light, Karen T. Karen T. Hluchan is a spirit medium, motivational speaker, Reiki master, spiritual artist, and author of How Have You Loved? Through her mediumship practice, Healing Spirit with Love , she devotes her time to the healing of spirit on earth through her connection with heaven.
Her passion for her calling is shared through spirit medium readings and angel readings , speaking engagements, and workshops she instructs, as well as through her writing, Reiki , and fine art spiritual paintings. All of her work is inspired by the divine light that is within us all. She has a great love of nature, people, and the planet, and she enjoys her connection in spirit, both here and in heaven.
Click here to learn more about Karen's upcoming events. The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?
Register for a user account. Neighbor News The Archangels and their Divine Responsibilities Learn about the many Archangels who have been tasked with helping humankind, including their specific areas of expertise. Hluchan , Local Business.
Posted Wed, Mar 21, at pm ET. Replies 3. The Archangels Assist Humankind There are many orders of angels. Find out what's happening in Hatboro-Horsham with free, real-time updates from Patch. Let's go! Archangel Raphael — The Divine Healer of Physical Ailments This amazing Archangel has been tasked with the healing of humankind on every level, but especially for the healing of the physical bodies of all living creatures. Archangel Azrael — The Benevolent Transformer of Mental and Emotional Anxieties A tower of strength, this Archangel's responsibilities include helping us to heal from the loss of a loved one, as well as from depression and illnesses which affect our mental and emotional systems.
Archangel Uriel — The Divine Pillar of Solitary Strength A symbol of the wizened hermit, this Archangel assists with feelings of loneliness which may threaten to overwhelm from time to time.
Archangel Gabriel — The Great Messenger This Archangel has been tasked with the creation of ideas and creativity, belief in oneself and one's goals, and is known as the Great Messenger. Archangel Ariel — The Great Earth Mother As the Archangel who oversees the planet Earth and all of its creatures, Archangel Ariel emphasizes the natural world and its incredible healing powers. Of course you do. Jesus said they exist Mt The Scriptures elsewhere testify to their existence Acts and Ps , not to mention the entire Book of Tobit.
On Oct. But do you really believe in guardian angels? We give real assent when we choose to live it out in a concrete way. These are not mutually exclusive categories. When we give one kind of assent, we strengthen ourselves for the other.
Our belief should lead us to act. Our actions should fortify our belief. When it comes to angels, most of us need to get real. Angels love to send you signs that can improve your life as well as simple reminders of their loving presence. You can ask the guardian angels to send you a sign either by writing this request in your journal, through a more formal prayer, or by briefly meditating on the idea.
Then, for the next week, keep your eyes—your physical eyes and your metaphysical third eye —peeled for a sign from your guardian angels. This could come in the form of a prophetic dream, an unexpected romantic or business opportunity, a new relationship, or a refreshed perspective on a recurring situation. It can elicit strong emotional responses in people, and angels will often use it to reach you.
Sometimes the message lives in your association with the song or artist, and other times the message is in the lyrics. When you dedicate a song to your guardian angels, this song becomes their calling card. It will play on the radio whenever your angels want to remind you of their constant presence.
You should pick a song that makes you feel comforted, safe, and loved. Get your emotions out on the page. Your guardian angels know everything about you, so they are already aware of this situation, but by sharing it with them in your journal, you are using your free will to ask them for help. As human beings, we all have access to a team of guardian angels.
All angels are pure spirits that appreciate when we connect with them, be it through prayer, song, journaling, or whatever medium we feel most comfortable with. Want your passion for wellness to change the world? Become A Functional Nutrition Coach! Enroll today to join our upcoming live office hours. Your FREE horoscope delivered daily. You are now subscribed Be on the lookout for a welcome email in your inbox!
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