Which wow race are you

Yet only time will tell if the blood elves can avoid repeating the tragic mistakes of their past. Unlike the other races of the Horde, orcs are not native to Azeroth.

Initially, they lived as shamanic clans on the lush world of Draenor. The draenei have largely spent their lives on the run from demons. Under the guiding hand of the Prophet Velen and with the help of the naaru, they fled the demonically corrupted eredar on their home planet of Argus.

After settling on Draenor, they began a reserved relationship of respect with the native orcs. The planet was discovered by the Burning Legion, and the orcs were corrupted and pitted against the draenei.

Many draenei were mutated into Broken or Lost Ones, but some managed to escape once again with the Prophet Velen. Their craft, the Exodar, had been sabotaged by blood elves, and crash-landed on Azuremyst Isles, in Azeroth. The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthen—beings of living stone created by the titans when the world was young.

Ultimately, these creatures of flesh and blood dubbed themselves dwarves and carved out the mighty city of Ironforge in the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan. Which one are you? First, pick a faction.

What represents you the most? Eagerness to learn. My magical powers. Which activity sounds the most fun to you? Going to church. We want to dream with you about all your future holds. Our hope is our quizzes and articles inspire you to do just that.

Playing quizzes is free! We send trivia questions and personality tests every week to your inbox. By clicking "Sign Up" you are agreeing to our privacy policy and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. Scroll To Start Quiz. A city in the mountains. A gleaming castle. An old mansion. A cottage in the country. An Irish pub. A martini bar. A goth club. A country roadhouse. A warrior. A mage. A rogue. A shaman. Dun Morogh. Eversong Woods. Trisfal Glades. It depends on the day. Lift weights.

Go to an aerobics class. Mostly at night. I don't have to do anything, I am just strong as it is. I eat tons of it. I eat it sometimes. I eat it rarely. Yes, very much so. No, but I am really funny. No one can keep up with my sense of humor.

You are fearless in the face of danger and don't feel emotions but hey that can be a good thing. No heartbreak. No fear. You serve your Queen with loyalty as you are very loyal. Being one of the most badass races in the game is hard. You are funny and can make great decisions really fast. You may be a bit goofy but everyone respects you. Now that a Troll leads the Horde maybe you may get a bit more respect. In my opinion you are one of the best races in WoW. You stick to your team as you are loyal and laugh in the face of danger.

You believe in some myths and legends. Sometimes even voodoo. Which World Of Warcraft Race are you? Created by Kallum Kinman. Kill them!

They are pigs! You are sent on a mission to burn a village to the ground. Do you follow orders? No this is against how I have been raised and how I am. Yes burn and kill all. They should have just surrendered. Orders are orders. Where is your ideal homeland. Home is where i am stationed. What do you feel a stronger connection to? All I need is my blade. What class do you think you should be? Anywhere where there is blood and battle.

Outland to visit Nagrand.


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