Why hector dolphins are endangered

These nets used in coastal waters less than m deep have entangled and killed thousands of dolphins and have caused catastrophic damage. Their future is in the hands of the New Zealand government. If it acts, as it has been urged to do by scientists locally and globally, and 1 bans gillnets and trawl nets in New Zealand waters less than m deep, and 2 encourages the use of alternative fishing methods that do not kill dolphins such as fish traps and hook and line fishing , the decline in dolphin numbers will stop and populations will have the chance to recover.

By adopting a whale or dolphin, by making a donation, or by fundraising for WDC, you can help us provide a safe future for the New Zealand dolphin.

Cephalorhynchus hectori. See all species. Male Female Calf Maximum length 1. Distribution map. We need the New Zealand government to prohibit the use of destructive fishing methods in the dolphins' home before they are wiped out forever. Join the campaign. Just 10, As many as The Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act established a national tuna tracking program to ensure that tuna imported into the United States meets certain requirements to ensure the safety of dolphins during tuna fishing operations.

Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act , an unusual mortality event UME is defined as "a stranding that is unexpected; involves a significant die-off of any marine mammal population; and demands immediate response. Get information on active and past UMEs. Get an overview of marine mammal UMEs. This document is the scientific review of the biology, status, and future outlook for…. Maui's dolphin subspecies. ESA Threatened - Foreign. South Island Hector's dolphin subspecies. MMPA Protected.

Throughout Its Range. Davies, N. Wellington: Ministry of Fisheries. Dawson, S. Thewissen, and K. Kovas London: Elsevier , — Habitat use and conservation of an endangered dolphin. To ping or not to ping: the use of active acoustic devices in mitigating interactions between small cetaceans and gillnet fisheries. Management of gillnet bycatch of cetaceans in New Zealand. Design and field methods for sighting surveys of cetaceans in coastal and riverine habitats. Mammal Rev. Devillers, R. Reinventing residual reserves in the sea: are we favouring ease of establishment over need for protection?

Dinerstein, E. An ecoregion-based approach to protecting half the terrestrial realm. Bioscience 67, — Department of Conservation [DOC] Dolphins to Benefit from Further Protection. Draft for Public Consultation. Dragonfly Consulting Dudley, N. The essential role of other effective area-based conservation measures in achieving big bold conservation targets. Edgar, G. Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features. Nature , — Estrada, A.

Fernandes, L. Establishing representative no-take areas in the great barrier reef: large-scale implementation of theory on marine protected areas. Fletcher, D. Designing a mark-recapture study to allow for local emigration.

JABES 7, — Foley, M. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Policy 34, — Gormley, A. D thesis. First evidence that marine protected areas can work for marine mammals. Halpern, B. Placing marine protected areas onto the ecosystem-based management seascape. Hamner, R. Hawke, D. Notornis 41, — Hicks, C. Social drivers forewarn of marine regime shifts. Hoekstra, J. Confronting a biome crisis: global disparities of habitat loss and protection. Hoffmann, M. Glund: International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Panama: International Whaling Commission, 11— Nairobi: International Whaling Commission, 10— Jaiteh, V. Subsurface behavior of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus interacting with fish trawl nets in northwestern Australia: implications for bycatch mitigation.

Jaramillo-Legorreta, A. Open Sci. Koschinski, S. Behavioural reactions of free-ranging porpoises and seals to the noise of a simulated 2 MW windpower generator. Kraus, S. Acoustic alarms reduce incidental mortality of porpoises in gill nets. Nature Leunissen, E. MacKenzie, D. Wellington: Ministry of Fisheries, 1— Martien, K. MFish New Zealand: Ministry of Fisheries. Miller, E. New Zealand: Parliamentary Counsel Office. Nash, S.

Noss, R. Bolder thinking for conservation. Palka, D. Perrin, W. Cambridge: International Whaling Commission. Reproductive parameters of dolphins and small whales of the family Delphinidae. Pichler, F. Pressey, R. From displacement activities to evidence-informed decisions in conservation. Rayment, W. New Zealand. Listening for a needle in a haystack: passive acoustic detection of dolphins at very low densities.

Read, A. By-catches of marine mammals in US fisheries and a first attempt to estimate the magnitude of global marine mammal by-catch.

Reeves, R. Cephalorhynchus hectori. Roberts, J. Roe, W. Salafsky, N. Improving the practice of conservation: a conceptual framework and research agenda for conservation science. Slooten, E. They face both bycatch and collision risks from smaller boats. They also live in shallow areas, above m feet. Some groups reside in small areas of about 30km If we use the same ratio for an adult male human of around 90kg lb , the average weight in the USA, his testes would weigh 2. Indeed, these small dolphins face many threats.

The biggest threat to their survival is by far fishing with bycatch and entanglements. Researchers even affirmed that entanglements caused a loss of genetic diversity in this species of dolphin. They also created several sanctuaries around the South Island to help the populations recover.


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