He was the only one of the three men initially charged to be found guilty. As a result, he spent 18 yea We're committed to providing the best documentaries from around the World.
With hundreds of free documentaries published and categorised every month, there's something for every taste. Toggle navigation. Home Discover Top Articles Login. What Makes a Good Documentary Film? From Around the Web. The Beatles - a musical appreciation and analysis. The Distortion of Sound. Finally Free, Terrell Johnson. Related Articles. I am a beginner with an idea, and the info and articles on your website are easy to understand and answer many questions I have.
I can not wait to start filming! I am a professional filmmaker, and I applaud this site for detailing the ABC's of documentary filmmaking. It serves as my own checklist as I continue making my own movies See more feedback. Facebook Twitter Get Posts by Email. Get weekly documentary tips and other exclusive content to help you stay motivated and on track with your documentary.
It's completely free and you're invited! What is the purpose of a documentary? Apr 27, On point by: EBY Multimedia Ghana Having gone through all the response and the comments posted here so far, am convinced that i can set out the purpose of the documentary project I am embarking upon.
Thank you all! Nov 24, Purpose - Video Documentary by: Anonymous I am a teacher and I am requiring my students to do a documentary on how to practice the Church's Preferential option for the Poor and through your ideas here, i am enlightened how to go about it. May 18, Great Answer by: Anonymous Nice answer, i think that pretty much sums all of it up. Nov 23, Not Very Helpful by: Anonymous In my opinion the answer given did not have very much relevance to the question. The answer also did not give the full purpose of various documentaries, it only gave information on entertaining documentaries, or improving society documentaries.
For this to be a good answer it needed to include a wider range of documentaries, for example if I was studying a history documentary and wanted to know the purpose of it, this would come in no use to me. However, this answer did have some positives, it gave a very thorough answer for the documentaries it did outline and I highly applaud you for your top effort.
Apr 27, Purposeful explaining by: Anonymous While the underlying end goal of a documentary might well be one of the things you mentioned in your answer, the simpler explanation to the basic question, "What is the purpose of a documentary?
Nov 07, Good information by: Anonymous this site was helpful for me to find out about the purpose of a documentary. Comments for What is the purpose of a documentary? Apr 27, On point by: EBY Multimedia Ghana Having gone through all the response and the comments posted here so far, am convinced that i can set out the purpose of the documentary project I am embarking upon.
They help the subjects, the makers, the users, the audiences to think, feel, do, listen, speak, shake, cry and sing. What makes a great documentary? More animation! Documentarists want to change the minds and preconceptions of audiences, right?
Be subversive; seduce audiences — with brilliant, artful animation — into enjoying themselves and being vulnerable, dropping their defenses and defensiveness , then make your point and transform them.
A great documentary has the quality of fiction — it evokes something larger than the particular story or characters at hand, and lingers in our memory. A good documentary raises the stakes in ethical accountability and you are compelled to seek out and to create stories that are even more thoughtful, even more considerate, highly original and creative.
I so enjoyed watching the transition of the human spirit go from despair and doubt to joy and confidence to live and laugh. A year at Sherbrooke takes us on a journey that we all share.
Thank you. Documentary films are as varied as the subject they cover and the approach to the production of each one must be specifically designed to consider the essence of the subject, be it a human drama, adventure, history, science, nature or everyday life.
While certain basic rules in documentary film production are common denominators in all of them, each production must remain focused. Straying from the core subject withh too much chatter- too many irrelevant scenes does not make a good documentary.