The Godfather actor is a Democrat, and Hightower is a staunch Republican. Grace micromanaged him to death, and he deserves a medal for sticking it out so long. Now the couple is moving on to bigger and better things— solo. We wish them the best. Primary Menu. Search for: Search.
Robert De Niro. Grace Hightower. Angelina Velasquez. In this article:. An American philanthropist, socialite, actress, and singer. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Recommended Stories. Fox News. The Daily Beast. Entertainment Weekly. Who What Wear. Getty Images. Robert De Niro is one of America's most celebrated actors and has over credits to his name.
He's also won two Oscars and been nominated an additional six times. The Associated Press.