Alan wake who is zane

Then Alan moves into the same cabin Zane has stayed before. Here's where things get complicated. It is implied that he went to Bright Falls before. He thinks a vacation there is uneventful but I believe his memories of going there is false to keep him from remembering of what happened there. While there, he was touched by the darkness of the town and learned of Thomas Zane, the previous comer in the place.

According to Sheriff Breaker, the cabin in Cauldron Lake doesn't exist. Alan is not locked in, he locked the rest of the world out. He clearly doesn't get along with people well, evidence by his short-temper and so has sealed himself in a cabin with Zane's writing. The pages of the writing are in fact left by his own hand. He rediscovers them because his subconscious is trying to force him toward a revelation and show him he's not in control.

Then the victims of the Dark Presence. Alice's disappearance is the most shocking, but it's heavily suggested that Alan has marital problems with her. When Alice tries to get him to write again while on vacation, it causes causes some kind of break in his mind and the Dark Presence appearing means that it tries to possess him into murdering her for making such move. When it appeared that Alan left, it turns out he begins the attack on Alice.

His assault on her is motivated by sexual frustration. Therefore, she's been dead all this time. Ben Mott knows too much and is the only survivor of the Dark Presence so it tries to get Alan to kill him but doesn't until the time is right.

He lures him into writing down the whole manuscript. Alan has began to see him as a sociopath, so he orchestrated the Dark Presence into possessing Mott and kill him. Agent Nightingale is another one of the survivors of the entity. The Dark Presence has pleasure of taking his life, but has to wait at that time.

The moment he locked him away was planned by Alan himself. Alan, directed by the Dark Presence, drags him outside the police station and murders him. The climax of the game, on my opinion, is Alan confronting himself. We get to see Alice, or rather a vision of Alice. The Dark Presence is really Alan himself trying to tell himself what he cannot bear to know. Alan's journey won't come to a happy ending if he tries to purge himself of all of his darkness. He has to accept the shadows that his light casts.

While Mr. You can even add another layer at the bottom, with the Alan Wake book being an adaption of Thomas Zane's poems into a more coherent narrative. Cars choking the roads could have been accumulated at many points in time, and 'saved' by the Dark Persence. It only needed to start with one car which veered offroad or crashed due to normal circumstances at night, when and where nobody would see it; thereafter, it could simply materialize them when someone else was driving at night and crash them, then Take them and their car quickly.

Likewise, the majority of the obvious WIZARDRY happens far away from civilization, with the mess at the campground the wall torn out of a solid log building, being some of the only obvious supernatural craziness in places which are on the beaten path. The DP didn't go demolishing the buildings in Bright Falls itself, mostly the buildings it smashed were in the ghost towns and out-of-the-way areas.

So the folks of Bright Falls would have had enough information to know that something WEIRD was going on, but they wouldn't have to be obviously ignoring blatantly supernatural events. This likely also contributes to the fact that as Deerfest approaches, there were more and more incidents.

First, we know that he caused everything about himself to disappear, except whatever was kept in a shoebox. In a shoebox, we find a story about Alan, as well as a broken switch, identified as the Clicker by Alan himself. The story proves that Alan Wake was a character created by Thomas Zane, come to life. The Clicker in the shoebox was the original broken switch, owned by Thomas Zane, and it had always been there.

The Clicker that Alan remembers was a perfect duplicate, which the story caused to exist. The Anderson brothers used excerpts from Thomas Zane's poems in their songs, which is impossible as those poems have ceased to exist unless the brothers themselves are characters invented by Thomas Zane, and the lyrics of their songs are self-quotations.

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They did praise LOST after all Last edited by beema ; 2 Sep, pm. I think that Alan and Zane are the same person - Zane being his "good" side,and the original one. Remember the page where Zane cuts Barbara's heart out? Her screams felt too real My thoughts are - there was a person,a writer perhaps,that was schizophrenic. One day,hallucinating about darkness,he killed his wife.

When he realised what he's done,his illness worsened,and he imagined Alan Wake - a hero to save his beloved one from the terrible mistake he made. And we play as his hallucination,in his imagined world.

Lamp Lady said that she loved Zane;Rose obviously had feelings for Wake - seeing her holding lamp in the end makes me think that she is the Lamp Lady - and therefore Zane is Wake. What do you think? Demetrius has a very interesting perspective, but sadly i cannot accept this as the truth.

I think we need to use some of the knowledge in American nightmare. It, while the description openly stating that it is independent, is way too closely tied to the original. It clearly shows Alan as an individual, not an illusion. I'm with you, Phil. Demetrius, I do think that's a really interesting idea, but it seems like if that was the case, it would have been revealed by the end of the game or at least in one of the subsequent DLCs.

The first half of the game deals a lot with whether or not what Alan's experiencing is madness, and there's already a dream sequence or two. To continue to spiral out into different realities would make the game feel too "Inception-y. Demetirus Yep, Alan and Zane could be one person, there's still nothing that could prove otherwise. Personally, I don't believe in that scenario, it would bring us to "bad ending" - he's schizophrenic, Alice is dead, etc. Zane's reluctance to answer some of Alan's questions suggests he's hiding something disturbing.

Personally, I don't think he wrote Alan into existance, but I do believe he influences his actions to stop the Dark Presence. He wrote Alan's fate, or at least contributed towards it. I don't think Alan and Zane are the same person. That just seems too obscure and there wasn't enough hints towards it.


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