Alfred nobel what is he famous for

The government decided to ban these experiments within the Stockholm city limits. In , he was able to start mass production of nitroglycerine but he did not stop experimenting with different additives to make the production much safer.

Alfred found, through his experiments, that mixing nitroglycerine with a fine sand called kieselguhr would turn the liquid into paste which could be shaped into rods. These rods could then be inserted into drilling holes. The invention was made in Alfred got a patent or legal right of ownership on this material the next year. These inventions were made at a time when the diamond drilling crown and pneumatic drill came into general use.

Together, these inventions helped reduce the cost of many construction work like drilling tunnels, blasting rocks, building bridges, etc. Dynamite and detonating caps were much in demand in the construction industry. Because of this, Alfred was able to put up factories in 90 different places. He lived in Paris but often traveled to his factories in more than 20 countries. He also experimented in making synthetic rubber and leather and artificial silk.

By the time of his death in he had patents. Alfred had no family of his own. One day, he announced in the newspapers for a secretary. After working for a short time, she moved back to Austria to marry Count Arthur von Suttner. Alfred and Bertha von Suttner remained friends and exchanged letters through the years. She later became very active in the peace movement. Alfred died in San Remo, Italy on December 10, The Bottom Line. Frequently Asked Questions. Key Takeaways Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize using the fortune he had built in the explosives business.

Although he was a declared pacifist, many of Nobel's inventions helped make war more devastating. It is believed that the Nobel Prize was an attempt by Nobel to leave a better legacy in the world than having improved military weaponry through his ingenuity. Alfred Nobel spoke several languages and lived and traveled around the world. Alfred Nobel is best known inventing dynamite and he patented the explosive nitroglycerin. Article Sources.

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Partner Links. Related Articles. Economics Who Created Economics? Investopedia is part of the Dotdash publishing family. Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for Investopedia. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. One of his famous patents is for inventing and manufacturing dynamite. If you are known the periodic table, the synthetic element nobelium was named after Alfred Nobel. Despite leading such a famous life, making his name in the world of science, as a chemist, engineer and inventor, there are a few facts about the man that have remained lesser known.

Here are a few of them:. He suffered from chronic bad health and has lived a lonely life.


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